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Chelle Hartzer
May 23, 20232 min read
Dungeons and Dragons (AKA: Fighting the good fight)
I saw my first dragon yesterday. It was not in a dungeon though. I think it looks like a dragon, and many folks have no idea what this...
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Chelle Hartzer
May 16, 20233 min read
Pollinators, Pests, and Pastures, Oh My (AKA: Not being lazy)
It’s halfway through May and that means the grass is getting longer and the weeds are coming in. Literally in many cases because May is...
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Chelle Hartzer
May 2, 20233 min read
Crawling Crustaceans (AKA: Supposedly they taste good)
I grew up in New England (I’m a true Yankee) and one thing I really miss from there is heading to a lobster shack for dinner starting in...
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Chelle Hartzer
Apr 11, 20234 min read
Got a Roach? (AKA: I’m in the weeds)
One of the big parts of my job is to keep up with current research, find out what it means on the field level, and share with my clients...
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Chelle Hartzer
Mar 28, 20233 min read
Please Sir, May I Have Some Fur? (AKA: Feasting on and on)
Many of our pest species have seasonal trends. Even if you live in southern climates without much of a temperature shift during the year,...
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Chelle Hartzer
Feb 21, 20236 min read
How Much? (AKA: Break into the piggy bank)
I was doing some training last week and we were talking about the risk of rodents. I brought up the Family Dollar saga that hit the news...
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Chelle Hartzer
Jan 24, 20233 min read
Can You Feel the Love? (AKA: Go get a room!)
I’ve been seeing a lot of news about cockroaches lately. I can’t quite tell if they are getting a lot of hate, or a lot of love. Either...
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Chelle Hartzer
Dec 27, 20226 min read
The 12 Days of Pest-mas (AKA: WTH with all the birds?)
If you followed along on social media for my 12 days of Christmas – Pest Control Edition, this is the expanded version with tons of...
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Chelle Hartzer
Dec 6, 20223 min read
Aw Rats! (AKA: Not enough money)
I haven’t written about rats lately and it’s been all over the news that New York City is trying to hire a “Rat Czar” to help take care...
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Chelle Hartzer
Nov 29, 20223 min read
Sitting in the Seat of Power (AKA: Government pests)
I don’t think I have ever written about something like this. It is a bit niche, and many people never run across this type of account....
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Chelle Hartzer
Nov 15, 20223 min read
Waving My Magic Wand (AKA: Do you believe in magic?)
Sometimes pest problems are relatively easy to manage. One or two visits, some targeted treatments, sanitation and exclusion...
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Chelle Hartzer
Nov 1, 20224 min read
Time's Fun When You're Having Flies (AKA: Tying up competition)
Spiders are one of my favorites. There is such amazing diversity in spiders in appearance, food preferences, habitats, biologies, and...
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Chelle Hartzer
Oct 25, 20223 min read
Get it Out! (AKA: being a good daughter)
Actual conversation from yesterday: “Chelle, get over here right now!” “What?” “There’s a bug!” “Yeah…” “Well do something about it!” You...
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Chelle Hartzer
Oct 11, 20223 min read
This Sucks! (AKA: Halloween is awesome)
The smell of fall in the air, the skeletons all over, the spiderwebs covering entire houses (in my case real ones because I don't knock...
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Chelle Hartzer
Oct 4, 20223 min read
The Invasion has Begun (AKA: Can you smell it?)
As occasionally happens, I have a blog written and ready to go (I typically write my first drafts on Mondays) and something happens and I...
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Chelle Hartzer
Sep 13, 20223 min read
A Bear Walks into a Bar (AKA: How did this happen?)
Quiz time: Yesterday on your weekly grocery shopping trip, you stocked up on five extra-large bags of dark chocolate (hey, they were on...
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Chelle Hartzer
Sep 6, 20223 min read
Nothing was Stirring, Except for the Mouse (AKA: Driving us crazy)
For all those that regularly follow me, you know that my blogs are often about situations I have been in, articles that have recently hit...
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Chelle Hartzer
Aug 23, 20223 min read
How Did I Get Here Again? (AKA: Patience running thin)
I’m not the best gardener. I can grow some plants and I take decent care of my yard, but I certainly get my fair share of nasty notes...
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Chelle Hartzer
Jul 5, 20223 min read
Christmas in July? (AKA: Just here chilling...)
Yup, it’s the beginning of July and the start of summer (in the northern hemisphere at least) and with climate change, it has been much...
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Chelle Hartzer
May 31, 20224 min read
Talk Dirty to Me (AKA: Down in the dumps)
We talk a lot about sanitation when it comes to pest control. It is incredibly important to work on sanitation issues because pests (like...
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