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Chelle Hartzer
Feb 28, 20234 min read
10 Questions with a Pro (AKA: Geeking out!)
Introducing the new series of ten questions with a pro. Every other month, I’m interviewing a “pro” to find out what they do, how they do...
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Chelle Hartzer
Feb 21, 20236 min read
How Much? (AKA: Break into the piggy bank)
I was doing some training last week and we were talking about the risk of rodents. I brought up the Family Dollar saga that hit the news...
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Chelle Hartzer
Feb 7, 20234 min read
Free Bird! (AKA: Flock off!)
I’m taking my morning walk today and over the podcast I am listening to, I hear a cardinal start up. Now, when I start hearing the...
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Chelle Hartzer
Sep 13, 20223 min read
A Bear Walks into a Bar (AKA: How did this happen?)
Quiz time: Yesterday on your weekly grocery shopping trip, you stocked up on five extra-large bags of dark chocolate (hey, they were on...
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Chelle Hartzer
Jul 26, 20223 min read
Airing My Dirty Laundry (AKA: This sucks)
I had to run a load of laundry yesterday. I hadn’t done laundry since before I left on vacation so I had all my dirty clothes still in my...
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Chelle Hartzer
Mar 1, 20224 min read
A "National Day" for Everything (AKA: I'm making cookies)
Apparently, March is National Flour Month. It’s also National Invasive Species Week this week. It only makes sense to feature flour...
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Chelle Hartzer
Nov 30, 20213 min read
Home Invasion (AKA: Did you "pandemic cook"?)
I received a picture the other day of a pest to identify. This, by itself, is nothing out of the ordinary: I get many texted and emailed...
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Chelle Hartzer
Oct 26, 20213 min read
Pandemic Pest Problems (AKA: Pests weren't quarantined)
How’s your pandemic going? For quite a while many of us were stuck at home, our favorite restaurants were closed, and we couldn’t go to...
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Chelle Hartzer
Sep 28, 20213 min read
What Are You Looking At? (AKA: Trap or monitor?)
I had the privilege last week of being part of a workshop on rodent monitoring. I got to talk about monitoring and was part of an expert...
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Chelle Hartzer
Aug 10, 20214 min read
Food Fun (AKA: What's eating at you?)
I recently had some discussions on stored product pests. Those pests that are specifically after the food we eat. Not the rodents, flies,...
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Chelle Hartzer
Sep 22, 20204 min read
What's in your kitchen? (AKA: I need to clean)
Ever had an issue with cockroaches? If you have, I’m guessing it was pretty frustrating and not something you just snapped your fingers...
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