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Chelle Hartzer
May 21, 20243 min read
What’s the Buzz? (AKA: Talking about the birds and the bees
Yesterday was World Bee Day. Despite what many people think, the urban pest control sector is not out to kill all the beneficial insects...
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Chelle Hartzer
Apr 9, 20242 min read
To Kill or Not to Kill (AKA: That’s a great question)
When I introduce myself to people who are not in the pest control field, I often say that I’m the consultant to contract killers, helping...
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Chelle Hartzer
May 16, 20233 min read
Pollinators, Pests, and Pastures, Oh My (AKA: Not being lazy)
It’s halfway through May and that means the grass is getting longer and the weeds are coming in. Literally in many cases because May is...
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Chelle Hartzer
Nov 22, 20222 min read
I Caught a Bug (AKA: Is that a bite?)
I’m sick. I picked up whatever version of the plague is currently making the rounds. (Yes, I did get my flu and covid shot.) My throat...
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Chelle Hartzer
Sep 21, 20213 min read
An Elephant Sized Problem (AKA: Is there a size limit?)
What’s bugging you? Seriously, what’s been pestering you? Is it an actual pest? And what defines a pest? I have written about this a few...
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Chelle Hartzer
Aug 3, 20212 min read
Waving a Magic Wand (AKA: We need if fixed yesterday!)
I typically start writing my first draft of this blog on Monday, then finish it up and post it on Tuesday. That means I had some kind of...
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Chelle Hartzer
May 25, 20212 min read
Beeing Controversial (AKA: Don’t bee a hater)
It was World Bee Day last week and that’s a great time to talk about bees. Honey bees specifically. Honey bees are an invasive species....
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Chelle Hartzer
May 11, 20213 min read
Moms make pest management hard (AKA: Happy Mother's Day!)
It was my mom’s birthday yesterday and of course it was Mother’s Day here in the US this past weekend. It was perfect because she lives...
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