Getting Sick? (AKA: Bring the wine)
Want a Band-aide? (AKA: Tax dollars at work)
Your Vote Matters! (AKA: Pick your favorite!
Are You Going to Eat That? (AKA: Get that out of your mouth)
It Costs That Much (AKA: You get what you pay for)
Dollars and Cents (AKA: Making a killing)
Angry birds! (AKA: What a bird brain)
Talk Dirty to Me (AKA: More than four letter words)
Storytime! (AKA: I don't understand)
Minor Pot Crimes (AKA: Where there’s smoke…)
Take that Nostradamus! (AKA Pudge controls the weather)
The 12 Days of Pest-mas (AKA: Stop with the birds)
Sweating the Small Stuff (AKA: Know what makes me sick?)
Talking Turkey (AKA: Family pests)
Getting Hungry (AKA: Dirty truths)
Be Afraid, Very Afraid (AKA: Looking through the data)
Please Sir, May I Have Some Fur? (AKA: Feasting on and on)
Flours for Everyone (AKA: It's all in the name)
10 Questions with a Pro (AKA: Geeking out!)
The 12 Days of Pest-mas (AKA: WTH with all the birds?)