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Chelle Hartzer
Jun 20, 20232 min read
Fake News and Alternative Facts (AKA: um, excuse me?)
When I’m researching an article, I wind up having around three dozen tabs* open on my browser and I’m going back and forth between lots...
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Chelle Hartzer
Jun 13, 20233 min read
Be Afraid, Very Afraid (AKA: Looking through the data)
Last week was Bed Bug Awareness Week and I wrote a brilliant post on bed bugs for you. As if bed bugs weren't scary enough, last week was...
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Chelle Hartzer
Jun 6, 20233 min read
I Scream, You Scream (AKA: Not just in the sheets)
It’s Bed Bug Awareness Week. I’ve posted quite a bit about bed bugs and written numerous articles (here, here, and here) and if you are...
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Chelle Hartzer
May 30, 20233 min read
Seeing Red (AKA: Painting the town red)
It’s that time of year again when the tiny little red things show up. I’ve been seeing it in facebook posts and in other groups....
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Chelle Hartzer
May 23, 20232 min read
Dungeons and Dragons (AKA: Fighting the good fight)
I saw my first dragon yesterday. It was not in a dungeon though. I think it looks like a dragon, and many folks have no idea what this...
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Chelle Hartzer
May 16, 20233 min read
Pollinators, Pests, and Pastures, Oh My (AKA: Not being lazy)
It’s halfway through May and that means the grass is getting longer and the weeds are coming in. Literally in many cases because May is...
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Chelle Hartzer
May 9, 20232 min read
Not Okay (AKA: WTF?!?!)
Normally something like this would hit my newsfeed and I would glance at it and move on. It caught my eye this time. I typically don’t...
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Chelle Hartzer
May 2, 20233 min read
Crawling Crustaceans (AKA: Supposedly they taste good)
I grew up in New England (I’m a true Yankee) and one thing I really miss from there is heading to a lobster shack for dinner starting in...
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Chelle Hartzer
Apr 25, 20232 min read
Making People Flocking Mad (AKA: Ruffling some feathers)
Today is World Penguin Day. So let's talk birds. I’m probably going to get some pushback from this, but I don’t like birds. I admit,...
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Chelle Hartzer
Apr 18, 20234 min read
10 Questions with a Pro (AKA: Seeing the light)
Introducing the second episode of the series: ten questions with a pro. Every other month, I’m interviewing a “pro” to find out what they...
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Chelle Hartzer
Apr 11, 20234 min read
Got a Roach? (AKA: I’m in the weeds)
One of the big parts of my job is to keep up with current research, find out what it means on the field level, and share with my clients...
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Chelle Hartzer
Apr 4, 20233 min read
Taking a Break with Pests (AKA: Bugging out on work)
I’m on semi-holiday right now. Working is a whole lot better when you can be sitting, watching the ocean, sipping your tea, and eating a...
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Chelle Hartzer
Mar 28, 20233 min read
Please Sir, May I Have Some Fur? (AKA: Feasting on and on)
Many of our pest species have seasonal trends. Even if you live in southern climates without much of a temperature shift during the year,...
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Chelle Hartzer
Mar 21, 20233 min read
Flours for Everyone (AKA: It's all in the name)
Yesterday was World Flour Day. Apparently, today is National French Bread Day. And we use flour to make bread so, I guess it makes sense....
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Chelle Hartzer
Mar 14, 20233 min read
They’re Coming! (AKA: Shhh...listen!)
The temperatures have been swinging from freezing to near 80’s, the dogwoods have blossomed, the pine trees are spewing pollen over...
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Chelle Hartzer
Mar 7, 20232 min read
Wait…What? (AKA: Is it that time of year already?)
I’m taking my usual morning walk today and since it’s getting lighter out, I can see a bit more. Around my neighborhood, I saw not one,...
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Chelle Hartzer
Feb 28, 20234 min read
10 Questions with a Pro (AKA: Geeking out!)
Introducing the new series of ten questions with a pro. Every other month, I’m interviewing a “pro” to find out what they do, how they do...
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Chelle Hartzer
Feb 21, 20236 min read
How Much? (AKA: Break into the piggy bank)
I was doing some training last week and we were talking about the risk of rodents. I brought up the Family Dollar saga that hit the news...
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Chelle Hartzer
Feb 7, 20234 min read
Free Bird! (AKA: Flock off!)
I’m taking my morning walk today and over the podcast I am listening to, I hear a cardinal start up. Now, when I start hearing the...
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Chelle Hartzer
Jan 31, 20233 min read
A Rose by Any Other Name (AKA: Whooo are you?)
Here’s a story. Of a gnat named Gary. Who was living in a residential home. What is a gnat, you ask? Great question, thanks for asking....
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